Monday, November 23, 2015

Creating and Imagining: Important Skills Your Child Can Learn at Day Camps

Day camp provides an opportunity for your child to grow because of the varied activities. Some programs enhance motor skills, while others stir the creativity of children.
Creativity and imagination are vital life skills that your child can use in various aspects of his or her life. They can use it in sports, in school and in everyday living.
The Importance of Imagination
The imagination of a child is boundless; it allows them to see a different perspective, put themselves in the shoes of others, create new worlds or project into the future. This kind of creativity does not have to end when a child starts school.
A creative mind is needed in solving problems, no matter how simple or complex. This is the building block that your child needs to develop as he or she ages. The imagination enables your child to find different angles to a situation. It also lets them find a creative solution by thinking outside the box.
A creative mind does not limit children in finding ways to solve a problem. They learn how to connect the dots or use related concepts to find a solution.
The imagination also enables children to think about their future selves. You always here kids tell stories about what they want to be when they grow up. Some kids stay true to what they say, while others change their minds when they get older. This cannot be bypassed as a childhood fantasy. Encourage children to think about their plans for the future. Their imagination will help them discover who they are and what they want to be.
Developing Creativity
Help your child develop their imagination and creativity by encouraging instructed and free play while they are still toddlers. Allow them to join arts or acting camp to enhance their creativity. Programs such as writing and drawing stir their creativity and maybe help them discover a hidden talent.
Performing arts camp lets kids express themselves and connect with an audience. They also get to develop their intrapersonal skills while learning how to perform on stage.
There are different kinds of day camps for kids and parents who want to explore and develop their imagination and creativity.
Why Day Camps
The diverse programs that day camps offer give children and parents different choices based on interest. Parents can help kids uncover a hidden talent or improve an existing one. The instructors and counsellors will guide each child so that they participate and get the most out of each activity.

Mixing Imagination and Creativity at Day Camps

Creativity and imagination are important factors to the development of a child. These enable children to think out of the box and are integral to problem solving. Day camp provides kids with the opportunity to explore different aspects of their imagination and creativity through different activities.
The Power of Creativity
The imagination connects with other skills that allows your child grow holistically. Creativity enables children to project themselves into the future; that’s why you see a lot of kids talk about whom they want to be when they want to grow up.
The imagination also enables kids to visualize the past and learn more about history. They need creativity to try to picture events they have never been a part of. This gives them insight about the past, and what they can learn from it once they reach a certain age.
Problem solving is an important skill that carries over into adulthood. Creativity helps develop this skill because it allows your child to think of different ways to find a solution. They learn about a problem and try to discover different angles to solve it when they use their imagination.
Creativity is interconnected with other skills that let your child grow holistically. Day camp is an ideal way to stir their imagination and learn life skills as well.
Stirring Imagination at Day Camp
Day camp provides various activities that allow your child to explore their creative side. Some camps offer theatre arts, even if your child does not pursue a career or hobby they learn vital skills by participating in this program. They learn how to speak in front of a crowd and boost their self-confidence. They also learn to communicate better through the activities in acting camp.
Arts camp is also a great alternative for kids who want to explore their creativity and imagination. The programs teach your child how to paint draw or write. Think creatively improve their cognitive skills.
Your child benefits from arts day camp because of the environment created in them. They get to explore their creativity with an experienced instructor and counsellor, and with other kids. They can make new friends while painting, drawing or writing.
Day camp has many benefits for kids. Go to tried and tested camps that have been offering a diverse program for children with varying interests such as Zodiac Day Camp. A visit to the day camp with your kids can help get kids excited about enrolling in a program that best suits their needs.

Tips for Enhancing Your Child’s Imagination

Children see through a colorful and unique perspective. It is because of their innocence of the world that lets them see things differently than us adults. It is important to nurture this gift as they grow, because one day, their imaginations will influence their ways of living and interacting with the rest of the world -- both nature and human.
Children with vast imaginations are prone to be artists when they grow up, and this allows them to appreciate the beauty of their environment. Taming our children's imaginations as we nurture it is a tough task, since it requires patience and support, as well as discipline.
Many camps offer various activities to help parents bring out the best skills out of their children and to develop them as they become part of a greater crowd. Day camps have been a freeing experience to many children because most of the time, this is where great friendships start. Art activities help children express their feelings and imagination and with proper guidance these skills and talents will develop, eventually giving children a good and productive hobby as they grow up.
There are a many ways we can assist our children as they enhance their imagination. Here are a few tips you can try:
1.Expose them to nature and spend time outdoors.
Nature is a good teacher for both adults and the young. Also, nature always changes, and this challenges the child's brain to discover new things and to improve their problem-solving capabilities. It is also noted that spending time outdoors will help your child strengthen his bonds with his environment, as well as develop his appreciation for nature.
2. Let them experience art activities.
Art is a fun way of learning that defies the usual mindset they learn at school. Art is not limited by rules and guidelines of what is wrong and right. Children who enjoy art are free to discover techniques on their own, letting their minds work and their imagination reflect in the works they create.
3. Share literacy and verbal activities with your child.
Reading a bedtime story with an open ending and asking your child what he thinks about it is a good way to exercise his brain. "What do you think would happen if..." or "How do you think it should end?" are questions that stimulate their thinking and problem solving skills for they get to share with you how they think and how they perceive things. Singing songs and sharing riddles and rhymes will also improve your child's vocabulary and interest in literature.
Imagination is the key to endless possibilities. Nurturing this aspect of your child's development will help them immensely as they grow up. Camps like Zodiac offer different activities for children that will help develop their imagination and many other skills. Zodiac’s Kid Vantage Day Camps also focus on the children's imaginative development with programs like Imagination and KV Creativity. Day camps are a good opportunity for children to learn, and if you want your children to be safe and have a time worthwhile, Zodiac is the helping hand you're looking for.

Why Imagination is Important to Your Child’s Cognitive Development

One often thinks that the world a child builds is only a phase soon to be forgotten once he or she reaches a certain age. Adults think that a kid uses make believe or fantasies to escape the real world. More and more studies point to the importance of stirring a child’s imagination because of its importance to cognitive development.
Cognitive Development
Children’s brains are malleable, especially at a young age. They will explore their world as they wander around your house, draw all over the walls or run around playing games.
Pretend play and using their imagination helps children make a distinction between reality and make-believe. It helps them gather evidence and make conclusions once they reach nine years old.
Stirring their imagination improves their problem solving skills. Kids will learn how to think outside the box to solve a problem. They get to see a bigger perspective when they use creativity and if it was an integral part during their formative years.
Relating to History
Can you relive history and learn about the significant people that lived through them? It takes imagination to think about the past and learn from them, this is where cognitive development helps.
Children who practice make-believe or use their imagination in different ways will develop perspective and learn how to understand the past.
Thinking about the Future
Can you travel to the future? You will need to use your imagination to project what you want to be like; the same is true for your kids.
Kids play pretend scientist, policeman, dinosaur, princess or whatever they imagine to be. Telling them what to do or limiting their imagination will make it difficult for them to project into the future.
Stimulate your child’s imagination with different programs for the arts or let them play during their formative years. Supervised and free play allows children to discover the world on their own. It helps them formulate their own perception of the things around them. They get to use their imagination to discover new things and learn more on their own.
Arts camp stimulates the creativity of your children; they get to explore their mind and learn new skills in various fields. Day camps like Zodiac Day Camp provides various programs that caters to different interests of children. Kids get to discover hidden talents and find an outlet for self-expression. A child needs to find an avenue to express themselves to develop into a well-rounded person.

How Art Develops Children’s Life Skills

Art is a form of self-expression that children need to discover new things, use their creativity to solve problems, project into the future and just have fun. Kids will learn a lot through arts camp because of the activities and guidance from instructors.
Think Creatively
Thinking creatively is a skill that carries over into adulthood. Children who develop this will do better in looking for new ways to solve problems presented to them, whether in the classroom or in real life.
Art helps them explore their creativity through making things or acting in the theatre. This exploration stimulates their creative side to produce colourful works of art or convince an audience about the character they are portraying. This translates into a child’s schoolwork and once they reach adulthood. They become less restricted in how they think about the world around them.
Participating in a theatre class is not just about performing on stage or acting in front of a small audience; it is also about being confident in your own skin and your talents. It takes courage to speak or act in front of a crowd.
Your child may not be the next Oscar winning actor or actress, but joining theatre class will help them develop the confidence to speak their mind or be themselves.
A child needs a place where they can express their inner thoughts; arts camp is an ideal outlet for it.
Art encourages participants to step out of their comfort zone and try new things. In arts camp, children can let their inner selves speak through painting, drawing, acting or singing. Kids will have better communication skills when they have an outlet to express themselves.
Outside the Box Problem Solving
Art pushes the boundaries; exposure to this enables your child to think outside the box to solve problems. Kids need room to make mistakes and learn from them, art helps them develop the skills they need to figure out the best possible answer or solution in a particular situation.
Art is important to the holistic growth of your child as it teaches them valuable life skills that carry over into adulthood.
Several arts camps have a variety of programs, how do you find the best one for your child?
Choosing an Arts Camp
The best way to choose an art camp for your child is to do an actual visit and to learn more about the programme being offered by the camp. There are some reliable ones that have been around for a few decades such as Zodiac Day Camp, which has various activities to develop your child’s life skills through art.

How Day Camps Can Be Helpful to your Preschool Child

Learning starts early in a child's life, and day camps aim to assist parents teach important values in their children as early as their preschool years. You may think it's unnecessary to enroll your toddler in a day camp, but there are many reasons why you should do otherwise.
Today, we will tell you what preschool day camps do for your child?
1.They help toddlers learn important socialization skills.
Preschool day camps expose your child to the presence of other children. This gives them the opportunity to communicate and play, as they interact through daily activities the camp offers.
2. They serve as a preview of what school will be like.
Preschool is a big step and your child might get uneasy the first time they go. Day camps offer a learning community with less pressure, but with considerable amount of time focused on learning and playing. This will help your child adapt to formal school in the future.
3. They can instill independence.
Preschool children may not be fully independent, but a small step towards it is always good. The thought of being away from Mom and Dad for a short amount of time should be something children must grow comfortable with. While some day camps provide full parent assistance for every day of activities, some camps may expose children to events that need them to be free from their parents' arms. This will help them adapt to future school conditions and they will no longer be upset when their parents leave them in the classroom.
4. They help children develop different skills.
Camps are all about learning with large amounts of fun. Children will be able to draw, to count or to simply play and develop motor skills as they participate in camp activities. They will develop interests in many aspects of learning.
5. They may offer swimming lessons.
This will help children love and not fear the waters. They will also learn how to enjoy the pool, and this will help them relax in the future as they get to real swimming lessons as they grow older. Preschool camps also give children the light of healthy lifestyle as young as they are.
There are many benefits of enrolling your child to a day camp, so don't say no to these wonderful opportunities. You will not only help your child grow into a better person someday, you are also doing yourself a favor. Day camps are a good stepping stone to the real deal later on, which is school. It is best you prepare your child for the bigger things in the future. Give day camps like Zodiac a try, and you will see great results in your children's development.

How Day Camps can Enhance Your Child’s Leadership Skills

Day camps are a good way to let your children experience their independence and take part in responsibilities. Because of the many activities offered in day camps, children are able to participate with others and therefore develop teamwork and awareness with how their actions affect other people.
Day camps expose children to chores and develop discipline along the way, and plant into them the seeds of responsibility. Knowing the weight of their actions will help them develop their sense of responsibility, and with that they become one step better at leading. Leaders are expected to be responsible people, and day camps nurture these values.
Day camps also offer activities that promote awareness and self worth, letting children discover the extent of their capabilities and show them how they can contribute to the people around them. Knowing that they can do something will help children realize their worth and that they are needed by other people. This will build their self-esteem and give them confidence to participate in group activities.
Other camp activities also require teamwork from time to time, and children can shuffle on responsibilities to know which role they perform best. They will eventually get a chance to lead the group themselves, and as they decide on things, they will learn from mistakes and get encouraged with good decisions. They will learn new ways to approach problems, knowing that giving up easily is a weight not only one will carry, but the rest of the team.
Leadership is developed best with experience, and day camps provide plenty of opportunities for children to learn. Decision-making, self-esteem, discipline, sense of responsibility and developed communication skills are the many attributes that help make a leader, and all these are nurtured in day camps, especially leadership camps. Sports-oriented activities will also develop the child's sportsmanship as well as his leadership skills, learning that teamwork is a key to success.
Zodiac Day Camp offers may activities to develop your children's leadership skills. There are age-specific activities that are aimed to encourage development in the different stages of a child's life. Zodiac's KV Program, for example, promotes both mind and body awareness since it includes Creativity and Sports. Allow your children grow into the best they can be as they find their way through different activities the camp offers. Provide a great environment that will train your child to become future leaders – enroll them in Zodiac today!

How Art Can Be Therapy to Your Child

Daily challenges and school life can be stressful to your children. Just like adults, children need an outlet to release themselves from the tensions of daily life. Art is a good way to unwind all those pressured brains and nerves and have fun while enhancing their artistic capabilities at the same time.
Art can come in different forms and paces, which is why it is good for every child. There is no pressure of doing the right thing and making mistakes. Every move a child makes as he or she indulges in art is a step of progress and discovery.
Every stroke of pencil, every cut of a paper and every mold on the clay is a step forward to discovering the many ways to create something beautiful. Children are always yearning for knowledge and discovery, and school is a good place to learn, but it can prove to be stressful at times. Art, on the other hand, is welcoming to mistakes for it means nothing but learning all the same. Children are also creative in nature, and art may just be their medium of expression.
Art therapy can help children who are depressed to cope with and release the tensions they feel through their artworks. Also, some children aren't open to sharing what they feel or think especially when it's something devastating for them. Though this may be true, their works of art will speak volumes of what they feel, and thus help them communicate without the need for words they may hardly even think of.
Through art, children are able to focus on something without the fear of making mistakes. They are able to express themselves without limit but not as open and direct as verbal communication, but nonetheless, they can share what's happening inside their minds. This will not help the child alone, but also their parents and guardians, who may have difficulties understanding their behaviors as they undergo through tough times in their lives.
One of the easy ways to expose your children to the wonders of art is by enrolling them in creativity camps. Zodiac Day Camp has a KV Program dedicated to children who want to experience art and explore the creative world. The staff over at Zodiac are always on the watch and will guide your children towards uncovering their artistic potential and let them experience many activities that will enhance their artistic inclinations. Let your child unwind and have fun, and let Zodiac help you give your child the experience he or she needs.

Sunday, November 22, 2015

How Cooking Improves Your Child’s Life Skills

We see them every day – cooking shows that wet our appetites and make us want to cook. However, it is not only adults, who can be inspired by these gastronomic delights. Our children may develop an inclination towards cooking, too!
While most parents would be scared to leave their children in the kitchen, we strongly encourage you to expose them to the wonderful world of culinary arts at an early age. With your supervision and proper instruction (have you ever seen that show that features young cooks whipping up amazing food?), your child can be the next culinary sensation!
But more than the actual culinary skills, there are other life skills your child can learn from cooking:
  1. Following instructions. When your child learns how to cook, the first basic rule is to follow the steps in the recipe. This simple challenge will help your children learn and follow what they need to do to achieve the results they desire. More than that, this experience will help you bond with your child and improve parent-child communication in an engaging, interactive activity.
  2. Math and accuracy. Cooking integrates basic math and this will help your child understanding the fundamental skills that will prove to be helpful later on in his or her life. You will be exposing your kids to the world of fractions especially when they are measuring the ingredients of their recipe.
  3. Understanding change. Science plays a significant part when cooking. Your child will be able to learn how liquid becomes solid (when baking cakes) or how liquid becomes gas (steaming). This understanding will help your child appreciate chemistry later on in life.
  4. Time-management skills. How long does it take for the muffin to rise? How long does it take to prepare the ingredients? These simple things can do wonders with your child’s time management skills.
  5. Creativity. When your child has already learned the fundamentals of culinary arts, it may inspire him to create his own concoctions and this is when his creative side is enhanced. Cooking will not only teach your child how to create yummy food but at the same time, visually appealing plates as well.
Zodiac Camp’s Specialty Programs are designed to help your child find his passion. Zodiac’s culinary arts course is specifically designed for growing gourmets and help build their self-esteem through personal accomplishments through cooking. Each class will teach your child kitchen safety and etiquette, cooperation with others and of course, a delicious recipe that they can take home. So what are you waiting for, let your child whip up some gastronomic delight for your family! Enroll them in Zodiac’s culinary arts course today!

Baking: Combining Imagination, Creativity and Technical Skill

Children love bread and pastries, especially cakes and muffins. While most kids only know how these sweet things taste, you and your child can take it to the next level: learning how to bake them. This may sound too complicated for you and your little one to handle, but baking is actually a fun and educational activity that can teach your child skills that will be useful as he or she gets older.
Baking aids children to develop their multiple intelligence. It also helps stimulate their creativity. Children learn to experiment with the different ingredients, like flour dough for example. It's like molding clay, only that it turns to be food later. Children get to play and learn at the same time, knowing what one thing tastes and how it affects other ingredients as well. Decorating the baked goods also encourage them to create something new, and therefore enhance their creative side.
Baking also develops a child's basic math and technical skills. Whisking and mixing, knowing how many eggs to put in and how much flour to put in a measuring cup are all parts of baking that teach the child these basic skills. They also get to learn what different ingredients are called, and what to do with them as the recipes guide them to it.
Children also get to understand the simple wonders of science. They learn this by being shown how things are cooked, melted, and mixed. They witness the science of change, and understand simple chemistry at their young age. Baking gives children the opportunity to experience science with their own hands.
While having fun, children who bake with their parents also share a special bonding time that are usually missed nowadays, in the modern generation. Parents get to give their children a much needed break from the stressful activities they may have at school, or even a difficult time they have with friends or their daily lives. Baking gives parents a ticket to spend quality time with their children - learning and having fun at the same time.
There are also alternative ways to get your child into baking activities, where they will meet new friends along the way. There are a lot of culinary arts camps that offer baking lessons, one of which is Zodiac Day Camp. The Make and Bake specialty program will open doors to a world of baking, fun and learning, which your child will surely enjoy.

Develop Your Child’s Creativity Through Culinary Arts

Cooking is one brain-stimulating activity while also being an interesting and fun thing to do. Camps and schools know about the importance of cooking in a child's early learning stages. Culinary arts doesn't only develop one aspect of intelligence; it also develops a child's physical skills as well as his or her social skills.
Children develop their basic math and language skills in cooking. Instructions in recipe books that include steps and measurements of different ingredients help expand your child's intelligence.
Basic maths are enhanced just by having kids count eggs, measure flour and other ingredients. Basic science is also introduced as they learn what happens to certain ingredients when exposed to elements like heat and undergo changes. Reading skills and vocabulary are also enhanced by cooking, since children have to read instructions and steps to make a delicious dish.
The aspect of learning greatly associated with culinary arts, however, is creativity. Letting the child decide how the plate looks like and how the food is presented gives them the freedom to design their work and feel rewarded for it after. It also develops the wide variety of taste children can perceive as delicious. Letting them experiment with the ingredients to fit their idea of tasty gives them the freedom to experiment-- which is vital for both creativity and science.
Culinary arts encourages children to create something they have never done before, and creation is the essence of creativity. Cooking also promotes cultural appreciation as children learn how and where certain dishes originated. This gives them the awareness of other people's cultures, and gives them the opportunity to appreciate and learn more about them.
Of course, as parents you might be worried because of safety risks. There are many recipes out there that are easy to make and do not need much slicing and cutting. Also, put in mind that there are kitchen equipment designed for kids, and the guidance provided by the teachers and the parent themselves will make cooking a safer and fun experience.
So don't hold your child back from learning the good stuff and exploring the world of culinary arts as young as they may be. In the long run, children will appreciate the value of food, and the process of making it-- which will give them better awareness about health and proper diet. Camps that offer cooking classes also open opportunities for kids to learn and gain new friends. Zodiac's Culinary Arts Specialty Program is your child’s ticket to his or her first journey towards gastronomic delights.

10 Life Skills Your Child Can Learn in a Musical Production at Day Camps

Day camps are perfect venues for your child to develop many skills and uncover their hidden talents. Most kids also build their first friendships in camps as well as learn many important life skills that they can use later on in life.
If you are familiar with day camps, then you must be familiar with productions that come at the end of your child’s journey. This can come in plays, tournaments and productions. Today, let us zone in on the magic of music and how musical productions instill these life skills in your child:
  1. Teamwork. Musical production require collaboration as it is a big event to pull off. Because of this, participants need to work in groups. This enables their sense of teamwork, giving each other a helping hand while moving forward to the same goals.
  2. Discipline. During musical performances, your child will be required to train for his or her part and this would require utmost discipline to perfect his or her performance.
  3. Independence. Solo performances may be scary at first but this is your child’s first step towards independence. This will also help boost his or her self-esteem and self-confidence.
  4. Interdependence. As much as there are solo acts, there are group acts that require reliance on each member of the group. This will make your child value each one’s role in the musical production.
  5. Creativity. Musical production harnesses creativity from each member of the group. They will be required to put in their suggestions on how to make the play more interesting for the audience. Because of this, they will be required to come up with creative ideas on their own and with their teams.
  6. Craftsmanship. While you may not expect a full-blown Broadway-style setup, your child will be producing something that can be part of the stage design or the costumes. This will help them become better in producing quality designs and crafts at an early age.
  7. Leadership. Your child may be assigned a key role in the group and this will help him exercise leadership skills.
  8. Following rules. On another note, your child will need to heed directions from the musical director or other team leaders so this can help him or her know the structures of hierarchy, follow rules and take on responsibilities assigned to him or her.
  9. Communication and social skills. Because musical productions are usually composed of a big group, your child will be exposed to a socially active environment and will help him or her communicate what’s on his or her mind.
  10. Handling criticisms. At one point in time, your child may receive constructive criticisms when it comes to his or her performance. This exposure will help him or her take these criticisms in the light of improving himself or herself.
Day camps like Zodiac will help your child develop life skills in a more relaxed and friendlier setting. Zodiac’s Specialty Programs are perfect if your child has special inclinations especially towards the performing arts. Watch your child shine through these productions and at the same time, unconsciously better themselves with these important life skills! Call Zodiac Camp today!

10 Activities to Help Your Child Build Physical Strength

Child development has many aspects, and while intelligence is commonly associated with the brain and are therefore translated as the child's creative and logical abilities, it is worth noting that parents should never forget about their child’s physical health.
Motor skills and mastery is one aspect of intelligence. Having good control over their bodies will help them perform better in different activities later in their lives. This is why as a parent, you should always seek out ways to help your child master his motor skills.
Here are a few ways parents can assist their children in physical development:
1.Arrange scavenger hunts.
Children are naturally curious explorers, and getting them on their feet while having fun will surely develop their abilities to stand on their own two feet. Children enjoy some adventure, and scavenger hunts that give them rewards and fun while running around and skipping or jumping will let them practice without the stress of intense physical activities at school.
2. Go for daily walks around town.
It could be early morning, pre-dinner or post-dinner walks. Walking around with your children gives you that bonding time and at the same time, helps them exercise their legs. They also get to familiarize with their surroundings.
3. Let them participate in easy household chores.
Make cleaning a sport and let them develop their sense of responsibility and discipline at the same time. Children who see chores as a sort of play will enjoy doing them every week. You are doing you and your child a favour.
4. If you have a garden, let the children join you in your gardening.
Statistics show that children who have sufficient exposure to their environment develop their immune systems and therefore become less likely to have allergies as they get older. Also, gardening promotes the appreciation for nature and their surroundings, so let your children help you water the plants or pick fruits.
5. Build a treehouse.
Climbing trees is good exercise for children who love to explore and conquer their tiny worlds. They get to share a place they can enjoy with their imaginations, while also being active enough to provide their bodies a good amount of exercise.
6. Take dogs for a walk if you have them.
Let your children accompany you. Children can spend time with pets and develop their nurturing skills, as well as share their ideas with their parents.
7. Encourage them to have a sport they enjoy.
Children who engage in sports are much more likely to have advanced physical and motor skills developed than those who stay in all day. They get to practice their moves and exercise while they are at it, and also learn the value of having people as your allies. Sports help children grow stronger and develop team play.
8. Go out in the park once a week and have picnics, or better yet, play some frisbee.
Outdoors is a good for some fresh air, and parks make for a lot of space to run around, play and catch.
9. Fly kites when the weather is good.
Boys and girls alike enjoy kite flying on a bright sunny day. They develop object manipulation while moving and running, and also get the chance to appreciate the environment above and around them.
10. Enroll your child in sports or day camps.
Develop your child’s phsyical development further by enrolling them in day and sports camps. The different sports and outdoor activities would allow them to find that physical activity that they like.
Intelligence isn't all about brainpower, it is a balanced state of body and mind. Children who are active in their childhood years are likely to have healthy lifestyles when they get older. Encourage your child to live to the fullest by getting them moving in and out of home. Zodiac's Specialty Program will lend you a helping hand in providing your child the right amount of exercise and practice with their many sports classes geared towards your child’s holistic development! Call Zodiac today!

10 Things Your Child Can Learn from Drama Classes

Learning starts pretty early in a child's life. As a parent, you'd always want to help them grow in the best possible way and take every opportunity you can to support your children hone their skills, nurture their talents and at the same time, learn new ones.
There is so much the learning society has to offer to assist parents with this goal. There are camps and classes aimed for child growth and development and one of which is a drama class. There are many things your child can learn just by joining drama classes. Let us run you through some of them:
1.Dramas develop creativity.
Your children will learn and discover new ways to approach situations and people, which will broaden their comfort zone. They will find these instincts come naturally, which will help them with their performances in life in the future.
2. Through drama classes, children develop confidence.
Drama classes develop the child's self-esteem and in turn, build up their confidence. This helps them deliver a message convincingly, giving them a voice that is worthy of command and impeccable stage presence. Children are less likely to have stage fright when they grow older, and will be much more at peace with having an audience.
3. Drama improves language and communication.
Because of constant verbal activities, the children's phonics and the control of their voice will greatly improve. They learn how to express their ideas more efficiently and are less likely to struggle in the future.
4. Drama also improves focus and concentration.
Children will learn to pay attention to the lines, to the ways people act and talk, how emotions should be portrayed and many other things.
5. Drama encourages collaboration.
Most plays require children to act with other people, therefore presenting children into a group atmosphere. Through this, they learn how to collaborate with their fellow actors, therefore improving their social skills and help them become team players in the future.
6. Drama teaches the value of responsibility and accountability.
When children get exposed to working with other people, they learn that their decisions weigh something and can affect the people around them. They develop a sense of responsibility and will give their best to contribute to the success of their class.
7. Dramas can help children enhance their memory.
Some drama activities and plays may be spontaneous, but most of the time, plays require children to memorize their lines and deliver it like they mean it. Constant practice will give them better habits when it comes to studying and also give their brains sufficient amount of exercise to keep it stimulated.
8. Drama is one way children can learn through active play.
Think of all the costumes and wigs and all the props they make and wear for their little activities or even in actual performances. Children love to play and imagine a world filled with fun, and the amount of fantasy provided by drama will give them a good dose of imagination everyday.
9. Drama develops emotional intelligence in children.
Every single day of our lives, we act for various reasons. Because drama exposes children to enact certain character's emotions, they will learn how to recognize them and will be aware of these emotions and how they affect the people they meet in their everyday lives.
10. Drama classes may open doors to friendships.
Because children interact with one another everyday, eventually they will find their fellow classmates to be their friends and build relationships with other people.
There are so many values and skills that a child can learn from drama classes. Every parent should seize the opportunity to expose their child to this fun learning experience. Camps like Zodiac offer this opportunity for your children.
Zodiac has the Specialty Program dedicated for kids who want to specialize in certain fields and develop their skills along with other children. Come and let your child be part of the Zodiactors, and tread the journey of performing arts.

10 Reasons Why You Should Encourage Your Child to Dance

There are many ways to let your children explore their individuality. Some would show inclination towards certain activities at a certain age. There are some children who would show a liking for the culinary arts; others towards acting and performing. Some parents may even see their tots groove to certain music and exhibit moves that shows a dancer’s potential.
If your child has that impeccable groove when he or she moves, it is always good to encourage your child to develop their dancing skills. Why? Let us look at some reasons:
  1. It helps build their stamina, motor skills and coordination. Dancing helps your child’s physical development most especially their strength and stamina.
  2. It improves their sensory skillsDancing enhances your child’s development through the different senses: their auditory skills when they need to harmonize their movements to the music, their spatial reasoning especially when they dance with a group, their hand-eye coordination and so much more.
  3. It helps them express themselves. Dance helps children express themselves. Your child will exhibit moves to express their thoughts and feelings.
  4. It gives them an outlet for stress. With the rigid assignments and school work, your child needs some outlet to relieve the stress and dancing can be an amazing outlet.
  5. It allows them to find their individuality and at the same time work with a team. There are many benefits when one dances. Dancing helps one find the niche that can best express his or her soul through different dance genres (ballet, hip-hop, etc.) and at the same time, allow social interaction and teamwork through group performances.
  6. It expands their horizon. When one learns the art of dancing, they get to learn different genres and different cultures where specific dance movements come from. This will allow them to appreciate how one dance differs from one another.
  7. It greatly enhances their creativity. Dance, like other performing arts, helps one develop his or her creativity through different dance movements.
  8. It teaches them discipline. Training for solo or group performances will instill discipline in your child. This can be a building block in his or her other undertaking in the future.
  9. It enhances their focus and concentration. When training for a dance, your child’s focus and concentration are also enhanced.
  10. It is a form of play. The beauty of dance is that it teaches your child all these life skills while exposing them to a not-so-rigid and formal environment.
Let your children dance their way to self-discovery. Here at Zodiac Camp, we help students move to their groove as they enjoy the full use of our bright and beautiful dance studio. We will help your child focus on rhythm, movements, fitness, music and imagination as we expose them to different dance styles. Don’t miss out on this amazing chance, call Zodiac today!

History of Dance

Most human societies have their own dances and never failed to indulge in them because of the pleasure it gives. The first purpose of dances were most likely ritualistic, appeasing spirits or as a rite of passage. It also comes as no surprise that the development of dance came with music.
Rhythm, an integral part of dancing, is also a vital part of music. It is often natural to perform rhythmic movements with the beating of sticks or chanting.
In several ancient cultures, rhythm and dance are a vital element to god worship and temple rituals. Ancient Egyptian priestesses and priests perform dances while pipes and harps played. These movements imitate significant moments of a god’s story or life, or mimic cosmic patterns such changing of day into night or vice-versa.
Ancient Egyptian women also danced to express the grief felt by mourners during funerals.
Sacred and significant events that transpire in Greek shrines also use dance as a form of worship. Temple virgins inaugurate the games held at Olympia. The choros, an ancient dance, was performed to honour a god.
In India, the formal hand movements and facial expressions of priestesses depict various emotions and significant actions of the gods they worship.
Dance also had a use in healing rituals for ancient civilizations. Cultures in the Brazilian rainforest and the Kalahari Desert performed trance-like ecstatic dances as an act of healing. Medieval European cultures also believed that the danses macabres protected dancers from disease.
Moods heighten with the free flow of alcohol and the pounding rhythm of drums or other instruments. The infamous Dionysiac dances of ancient Greece are known for their raucous dancing parties. The frenzied movements and stomping, honour Dionysus, the god of wine.
Not all acts are extreme in nature; some dances offered the same kind of mood release and excitement without the craziness.
Ancient societies also use dance as a form of entertainment. It takes on many forms from ballet to court dances to its current state today.
People watch dances to entertain themselves and have a good time whether they are the ones dancing or watching others do it.
Dance is an integral part of culture, whether as a ritual for worship or healing, or as entertainment. Whether you are from a Western or Eastern country, the enticing and rhythmic movements often performed with music are signs of a rich culture that values traditions or just plain fun.
Dance programs at day camp can help your child be more creative and push for better cognitive development. Find out more about different dance and performing arts programs at day camps such as Zodiac Camp.