Friday, May 20, 2016

The Benefits Of Sports For Teenagers

Nowadays, non-active adolescents have higher chances of being overweight due to sedentary lifestyles. Obesity is a growing concern for most of modern day citizens. More than half of Americans are already obese or overweight, and this causes a lot of health problems for our children. In fact, you will be shocked to find out that more kids and teenagers have a higher risk for heart, gallbladder, bone, lung and liver problems before they leave school.

This doesn't stop at their age. The risks only get higher if they continue being overweight. However, the amount being eaten is not the problem. With the prevalence of electronic gadgets and gaming paraphernalia, children have less chances to go out, and more reasons to stay indoors. Electronics are also dominating the academic grounds, meaning that schools are focusing on written test results more than physical activity.

Introducing sports to teenagers can assist with reducing their risk for serious health problems as they grow up. This is most evident in the summer, when children stay all day in front of the game or television screen. To counteract this, you can check out summer activities and day camps for kids. Even a few hours of physical exertion in day camps away from the screen already goes a long way.

There are also many other beneficial aspects to sports, aside from becoming healthier. Continuous physical exercise means that they will experience weight loss in the long term. The teenager will also stay physically fit, and they will be able to overcome hurdles in life that require certain amounts of strength. The exercise will allow them to be more capable to do physical tasks when needed.
Sports also provide a good outlet for emotional troubles. When it is needed, they will be able to focus on the sport instead of turning to various kinds of addictions. Children and adolescents are less likely to be lured by smoking, drugs or unsavoury organizations when they are occupied with their sport.

Playing sports also offers more opportunities for creating social connections with those in their team. They will have more chances to interact with those of their age outside of the internet. The child or adolescent will also experience learning more about how to cooperate and be socially conscious when they are required to move with their teammates in the game. This teaches them the value of teamwork and socialization, and these lessons will stay with them past their school years.

This can also teach them about leadership, as each team member is always given a special role to play in every sport. They will be more independent and socially aware, and they will have more chances to make new friends when playing a sports. They will know to set limits for certain types of behaviour, and they will learn the importance of following rules and regulations.

This also provides a good source of interactive material for the parents to bond with their children. Kids who compete through sports are able to communicate with their parents about it. Parents can also join in and participate by playing and practicing with them at home.

Lastly, teenagers who play sports are more emotionally healthy. The endorphins produced by physical activity improve the teen's mood and allows them to stay happy longer. Teenagers who practice sports are less likely to be depressed or suicidal. They are also less likely to wallow in their problems, and more often will instead produce better results on the field.

Adolescence is a difficult and often misunderstood time in a person's life, and parents are always unsure of what to do at this stage. Sports are a good option for the teen to grow healthier physically, mentally and socially. You can check out one of the good day camps in Toronto here: Take a look at the many camp options and let your child experience the many beneficial aspects of playing a summertime sport.