Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Art As Stress Therapy: Different Kinds Of Art Your Child Can Enjoy

Art As Stress Therapy: Different Kinds Of Art Your Child Can Enjoy

Art as a form of stress therapy has been used by people for many years. For one, it provides a distraction which typically is one of the best ways to temporarily relieve stress. It also creates a calming ‘flow’ that allows you to slip into a meditative state of mind. This results in a lowering of blood pressure, an ease in muscle tension and an overall clearer mind. It is very important that children are engaged especially in art activities which will allow them this mental clarity as they are less equipped to process stress in a healthy way at their very young age. Whether at home, in school or at day camps, here are some great artistic activities that your children can enjoy.

Creative drawing is an emotionally calming and expressive activity for children. Several child psychologists have utilized the concept of drawing to help children address stressful emotions and experiences in a healthy way. Here are a few options you can engage in with your children or encourage them to do on their own under your guidance.  Be mindful that any disturbing images created by a child may be an indication of a troubling situation.

  • Leaf Drawings – For leaf drawings you’re going to need a few items. Pressed leaves, metallic markers and a mop sponge. Spread the leaves on the table and use the metallic marker to draw images and scenes of things that bring them happiness. After, use your mop sponge to brighten up your masterpiece.
  • Do it yourself wallpaper –  For this wall paper, you’ll need a blank piece of wide paper around the length of your childs’ bedroom wall, easy to remove scotch tape, and drawing/decorating material. The instructions are simple, just lay the paper on a table or against the wall and allow their imaginations to work.
  • Sun catchers - This is such a great, beautiful, and easy artistic activity for children. Not only are the beautiful colours of the beads uplifting for the spirit but at the end of this project, you’ll have an ornament that captures the beauty of the morning and gives you a reason to get up early and watch the sun. What could be more relaxing than that?
  • Melted sun catchers – For this project, you’re going to need colorful and translucent beads… a lot of them. Also some baking pans and a toaster oven. Simply lay the beads in whatever desired pattern inside of the pans and then ‘cook’ them in the oven toaster outside until they have melted into a smooth flat surface. After cooling, drill a hole at the top, run kite string through them and hang up to catch the gorgeous rays.

Puppet shows are also great for relieving stress because they operate as an effective outlet. It is a way for the children to present stories/situations that have been difficult for them to handle and allows an informed adult to guide them in finding solutions to their issues.

  • Puppet show – What you’ll need are socks, decoration items for eyes, noses, mouths and hair. Encourage the children to come up with their own story lines for different topics like school, friends and home. It allows them to freely express themselves under the guise of a puppet persona.

These are just a few ideas that can keep the mental health of your children in check and balanced. It is important to ensure that they maintain this equilibrium not only at home, during the school term but also during school breaks. Day camps for children can be a useful option during those long breaks as it continues to build the young one’s mental capacity, provides a meaningful break to enjoy what they love doing and prepares them for the upcoming school year.

There are some day camps for your children where they are sure to be exposed to  artistic activities. However, if you’re looking for one of the best day camps in Toronto, then be suer to check out Zodiac Day Camp.  Zodiac day camps have a list of great projects for kids that are sure to keep them feeling stress free and rejuvenated. If you’re interested in more information, click the link for more details

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