Tuesday, February 2, 2016

A Rite of Passage: How Camp is Life Changing

The camp experience is like a rite of passage for kids when they move from childhood to their teenage years, and from their teens to young adulthood. The activities they do, the programs they join, the independence they gain and the friends they make are all part of the learning process and potentially life changing lessons.

Broaden Horizons
Summer camp is one of the ways that will enable your child to broaden their horizons because they will meet other kids that may not come from the same background as them. They will learn new things from other children their age through the stories and experiences they share. Stepping out of their comfort zone will also teach them new things about others and themselves.

Learn New Things and Skills
Day camp is a great place for your child to learn something new. Camps have various programs for kids who have different interests. Some offer arts, theatre, sports and extreme sports, even if your child is not interested in a particular sport, he or she has several options. Your kid might even find a passion that they may pursue once they get older.

The variety of camp activities exposes your child to new things that they might learn such as riding a canoe, biking, trekking, acting or speaking in front of a huge crowd. The new things that your kid learns help them grow into a holistic person.

Camps have experienced instructors in each program offered. Your child will get the coaching and training he or she needs, if they want to improve their skills in a particular sport, art or craft.

Become Independent
Summer camp gives your child a taste of what it is like to be away from home and their comfort zone. This may make your child anxious and nervous at first, however, independence is an important life lesson they will learn and cherish, as they grow older.

Packing their own things, staying away from home for an entire day or overnight will teach them how to be responsible and accountable.

Develop Social Skills
Summer camp enhances your child’s social skills regardless of which program they join. If they choose team sports, they will learn to communicate with teammates and work together for a common goal. Theatre camp enables them to learn about themselves and self-expression. Both types of camp teach your child the importance of communicating with others well.

Camp is a potentially life changing experience for your child because of the many things they will learn. Excite your child about the summer program you enrolled them in by taking them to the facilities, showing them the grounds, meeting the staff and allowing them to try some of the activities. An engaged child will get the most out of the camp they join.

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